Peter McKenzie, CFO & Corporate Director, Anticipa
Typically, 80% of a leader ́s time is spent on normal day-to-day tasks. However, the other 20% of a leader’s time is crucial, the moments where a leader demonstrates 80% of their impact. These are the “moments of truth” that separate the great leader from the rest. This session explains how courage is the key ingredient needed in these moments, to make that crucial difference and will explain how to step up. The good news is that courage is not a character trait, but rather a skill that can be built. Courage can be learned. Applying methods from ancient philosophy and modern science, the session is packed with stories, examples and most importantly practical methodology of how to build leadership courage and resilience. Participants will be given tools to: – Evaluate their own leadership style, identifying the gaps that need to be addressed. – Massively reduce stress, build confidence, increase focus and become highly effective.